RVCA: "Low Water Conditions Much Improved in Rideau Valley Watershed"


The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority issues frequent statements about watershed conditions in the Rideau Valley area.

MOST RECENT STATEMENT:  “This statement is to advise that the low water status in the Rideau River watershed is being downgraded to “Minor” from “Moderate” severity under the Ontario Low Water Response Program because of recent precipitation.

Significant rain over the last week pushed 30-day rainfall totals above what is normal for the time of year at most climate monitoring sites in the region. However, the average 90-day rainfall measured at climate stations in and around the watershed is below 80 per cent of normal for this time of year which represents “Minor” low water severity. Looking ahead, the seven-day weather forecast suggests we may receive between 5 and 10 mm of rain across the watershed.”

Click here to read the full statement.

Check the RVCA website for other updates and information.


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